
Integrate Teleskope with Snowflake


In order to integrate Teleskope with Snowflake, you must make sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Within Snowflake: You must have a Snowflake user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role

  • Within Teleskope: A Teleskope admin account to complete the setup process.



Create a Teleskope Snowflake Role

For each


set role = teleskope_role;

create role if not exists identifier($role);

Grant read access to the Teleskope Role

For each snowflake database, execute the following command to grant the teleskope role access to it

set database ='{database}';

grant usage on warehouse identifier($warehouse) to role identifier($role);
grant usage on database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);    
grant usage on all schemas in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);
grant usage on future schemas in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);
grant select on future tables in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);
grant select on all tables in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);                           
grant select on future views in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);         
grant select on all views in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role); 

Grant write access to the Teleskope Role (optional)

grant delete on future tables in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);
grant delete on all tables in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);                           
grant delete on future views in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role);         
grant delete on all views in database identifier($database) to role identifier($role); 

Grant Access History Access

grant monitor usage on account to role identifier($role)

Create a Teleskope Snowflake User

set user =teleskope;
set password ='{password}';

create user identifier($user) 
  password = $password //optional
  default_warehouse = $warehouse
  default_role = $role
  comment ='Teleskope read only user';

grant role identifier($role) to user identifier($user);

Configure Key Pair Authentication (optional)

If you would like to setup key pair authentication instead of using a password, follow Snowflake's documentation


To enroll your Snowflake instance:

  1. Navigate to settings-> Connector Settings -> Snowflake -> + Enroll New Account

  2. Enter your account information and click Next

  3. Choose your Authentication Type.

  4. Enter your user credentials or keypair and click Enroll

Last updated

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