
Create a Github App

Since Teleskope follows a single-tenant architecture, each customer will have their own dedicated Teleskope instance, with a custom callback URL.


  • Admin User: User must be an organization admin to create the application and install in org

  • Callback URL: Teleskope will provide you with your dedicated callback URL

  • Setup URL: Teleskope will provide you with your dedicated setup URL

Create a new app in GitHub

  1. Go to your Developer settings: http(s):///settings/apps

  2. Select GitHub Apps and then New GitHub App.

  3. Give your app a unique name and add an optional description.

  4. Use as a homepage URL

  5. Enter your dedicated Teleskope Callback URL

  6. (Optional) Enter your dedicated Teleskope Webhook URL

  7. (Optional) Create a Webhook Secret

Grant permissions in GitHub

Add the following repository permissions:

  • Contents (read, mandatory)

  • Issues (read & write)

  • Metadata (read-only, mandatory)

  • Pull requests (read & write)

Add the following organizational permission:

  • Members (read-only)

Last updated